
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2022

Black holes: what would happen if we fell into one of them?

     The most common question about black holes is “what are them?” It is an object in space that has a gravitational pull with so much strength that not even light can escape. This is because it has so much mass contained within such a small volume. Although you may have heard that black holes suck into them everything outside their event horizon, which is kind of like its edge, this is perhaps the greatest cosmic misconception of all. It is very funny and more accurate to think a black hole not as a vacuum cleaner, but as a giant cosmic Cookie Monster. Sure, every cookie in the nearby vicinity will find its way into the area near Cookie Monster's mouth. The cookies get funneled inside towards it. But the overwhelming majority of the cookie matter that approaches Cookie Monster's mouth won't end up getting devoured; instead, it gets spit out in all directions, having been accelerated by a variety of chaotic forces. Black holes are the messiest eaters imaginable.      Where